700 Outline Icons

Linea is a free outline iconset featuring 730+ icons by Dario Ferrando. Linea is distributed under a CCBY license, which means you can download and use the files as often as you want, so long as you attribute Dario Ferrando's work in every project you use it in. If you want to be freed of the obligation of citing him, feel free to drop Dario a line to discuss.

The zip file includes Dario's 150 Sketch icons as well as all 750 Linea icons based on a 64px grid (Stroke 2px thick) in SVG, PNG64, and Iconfont (EOT, TTF, WOFF, HTML, and CSS) formats.

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This 700 Outline Icons was designed by Dario Ferrando  -  Dribbble -  Twitter -  Website -  Source page

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