Zalando Material Design UI

Fun Time!! :-)

I had a look at the Zalando app on Android and I though about a redesign of it. I applied the Material Design concept and come up with this design.

I've attache the Sketch file resource. The mockup includes:
- Home Page;
- Sidebar Drawer;
- Categories Sidebar;
- Shop Page;
- Sort Menu;
- Filter Menu.
..just play with it guys!!!! :-D

I also spent some times in building a prototype in Pixate. Awesome prototyping tool I have to say - I tried for the first time and after a few tutorial I was able to create and bring my ideas into the new design concept.

The prototype is optimised for the Nexus 5. It work also on the iPhone (I tried on an iPhone 5) but it looks a bit different, and also behave different. Anyway, If you wanna try the prototype be sure to have the Pixate app installed on your device. Then open this link from your device and you will be redirect to the Pixate app we go! :-) No need to login or create an account! :-)

Here the link:

On the prototype you can scroll the home page, tap on the first item on the list (this brings you to the shop page - also scrollable) and open both side menus.

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Category:  ui

Tags:  android  concept  ecommerce

This Zalando Material Design UI was designed by Tobia Crivellari  -  Dribbble -  Twitter -  Website -  Source page

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