Wireframing Template

This is a robust template of common wireframing components that are cleanly grouped and organized! They're maybe most relevant to web design but could be repurposed for wireframes of any sort... read more

Included in the template:
- Most common layouts for desktop and mobile (1-4 column in various arrangements)
- Mobile navigation (up to 3 levels deep!)
- 12-column grid based on Twitter Bootstrap
- A full array of typography styles (built as Text Styles)
- Various UI elements (tabs, buttons, filters, etc.)
- Commonly-used icons (via FontAwesome)
- WYSIWYG elements (images with captions, related content, etc.)

I've made it available under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY) which means that you can distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you provide credit. Happy wireframing!

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Categories:  ui  wireframe

Tag:  web

This Wireframing Template was designed by Garret Voorhees  -  Twitter -  Website -  Source page

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