Android runs on a variety of devices that offer different screen sizes and densities. This template constants predefined Arboard sizes for creating and exporting splash screens in various sizes. Download Resource 38695 views • 7995 downloads Category: mobileTag: android This Android Splash Screen Artboards was designed by Sarah Hutto - Twitter - Website - Source page If you like this free resource, share it: Twitter Facebook Pin it Add/Load Comments Add Android Splash Screen Artboards to my collection Featured Premium Resources Wireframe & Design Starter Kit Design Kit for Responsive Websites iOS and Android Design Kit Web Apps Kit & Dashboards You may also like... Meeting and Events App ConceptAndroid Oreo KeyboardsCard Kit with Auto LayoutPWA Onboarding - iOS (Safari) Great premium resources to improve your creative workflow Reuse - Web Apps UI Kit Frames - Design Kit for Websites Root - Wireframe & Design Starter Kit Plaster - iOS & Android Design Kit Slice - Modular Design System Reuse Mobile - iOS & Android Design Kit
Android runs on a variety of devices that offer different screen sizes and densities. This template constants predefined Arboard sizes for creating and exporting splash screens in various sizes.