Sketchframes UI Kit

Sketchframes is a UI kit for Sketch App, designed in a "sketch-style" with all Twitter Bootstrap components and extras as symbols. You might want to install the attached Clair font first. This UI kit contains 25 Artboards. Sketchframes was created in order to have a UI kit to design low-fidelity, high-integrity user interfaces early in the design process. Low-fidelity meaning quick to create and not too detailed or polished. High-integrity meaning looks and feels real enough to resemble a real user interface. This is useful as it allows you to get good feedback on UI designs early on in the design process. The style of the Sketchframes UI kit is like a really nice pen sketch. Sketchframes was in part created for people who want to create sketch-style UI's but are not great at sketching.

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Categories:  ui  button  form  wireframe

Tags:  kit  web

This Sketchframes UI Kit was designed by Jess Eddy  -  Dribbble -  Website -  Source page

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