Working on something and thought about using the old Commodore 64 Balloon Sprite from the reference guide. So made one in Sketch with rectangles ;). What's Commodore? The Commodore 64 (also known as C64) was an incredibly popular 8-bit home computer first launched in 1982 for $595. Download Resource 12474 views • 1472 downloads Category: icon This C64 Logo and Balloon Sprite was designed by Tor Harrington - Twitter If you like this free resource, share it: Twitter Facebook Pin it Add/Load Comments Add C64 Logo and Balloon Sprite to my collection Featured Premium Resources Wireframe & Design Starter Kit Design Kit for Responsive Websites iOS and Android Design Kit Web Apps Kit & Dashboards You may also like... Startup Icon SetMobirise IconsPure Line IconsDesign Thinking Icon Set More resources by Tor Harrington OnePlus Logo Great premium resources to improve your creative workflow Reuse - Web Apps UI Kit Frames - Design Kit for Websites Root - Wireframe & Design Starter Kit Plaster - iOS & Android Design Kit Slice - Modular Design System Reuse Mobile - iOS & Android Design Kit
Working on something and thought about using the old Commodore 64 Balloon Sprite from the reference guide. So made one in Sketch with rectangles ;).
What's Commodore? The Commodore 64 (also known as C64) was an incredibly popular 8-bit home computer first launched in 1982 for $595.